
“Respect your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land Yah your Elohim is giving you.” — Exodus 20:12

Yah's Children of Courage

Children of Courage, provided by Kingdom Studies Academy, is a group designed to support boys and girls up to the age of 20 in drawing closer to Yah and acting out their roles as the blessing and replicas of their families. We learn from the blueprint that Yah has provided us through the scriptures.

“My child, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” — Proverbs 6:20

Why choose to be a
Child of Courage?

This journey is designed to help children strengthen their relationship with Yah and take their place as the blessing (helping hands) and replicas of the household; as the helping hands of their parents they tend to the work Yah gave their parents and reproduce the works to build the kingdom. The Considerate Children we see in scripture and walking among us today have three distinct characteristics: They are children who have a strong sense of self and resilience along with empathy and compassion.

Be fruitful, multiply,
replenish, have dominion

Obey, learn from, and help their parents in Yah’s work

Obey The Most High,
Yah, and His word

Bless the household
with their help

“Children are a gift from Yah; they are a reward from Him.” — Psalm 127:3

What is courage?

Courage means spirit, temperament, and state of mind. It comes from the Old French corage, meaning heart, innermost feelings, and temper. Another meaning for the word is valor or quality of mind which enables one to meet danger and trouble without fear.

Thus, courage is a reproduction or replica of the father and mother and represents both the mind of the father and the heart of the mother. It is a form of bravery that children who follow Yah have.

Years Of Experience
0 +
Cup of Coffee
0 +

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Yah your Elohim will be with you wherever you go." — Joshua 1:9

What is a child?

As defined by the Word of Yah, a person becomes an adult when they reach the age of 20. Thus, a child is any person who has not reached the age of 20 years old yet.

A child of courage learns to...

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